There are so many marketing tools to get customers to your site and to keep them interested enough to stay. Sometimes, it doesn’t seem like all that effort for heavy web traffic translates to sales. Well, did you know lead generation is possible through your website? It’s true! Although we specialize in Detroit SEO, we do much more than that. Today we are going to tell you how to generate leads through your online B2B presence. Follow along!


When it comes to B2B services, word of mouth and client experience are often the strongest support systems for new business. Supplement them with the power of your website. Leads should be prioritized by likelihood to invest in your services. One browser might take interest in your service because someday, they might need it. Another browser might take interest because they just launched a website and need your SEO services right away.


First and foremost, augment traffic to your site to optimize a potential pool of leads. The more visitors, the more maybes. So you have two tasks: get visitors to your site and convince them they need your service.


We talk a lot on the blog about how to increase site popularity. Add blogs daily, weave SEO throughout every inch of your site, market on social media and communicate with visitors via email. The trick is converting visitors into clients. Here are tips and tricks to enhance your conversion rate so you can make sure that your website is a useful sales tool:


  • Pay attention to how your users interact. The most subtle changes (icon colors, “submit” v. “contact,” “keep reading” v. “more”) effect user responsiveness. It is different for most brands. Track the activity with one version of these details, then change them and see if there is an increase or decrease in user participation. This will reveal your audience preferences, and you can activate them throughout the site.
  • Offer proof. We all want to know we will be happy with our money before we spend it. Include case studies so clients can see a glimpse of the work they’ll get and include testimonials as much as possible.
  • Sign-up opportunities. Don’t limit your site to one email sign-up opp. Include an option for more information, one for a newsletter, one for quarterly updates and one for an annual review. Maybe you have a list for those who would like to hear when you have client discounts or business gatherings. Embed several opportunities for visitors to give you their name, email and work position.


If you would like to follow up on and learn more about these tips, get in touch with EM360 today!

EM360 Digital

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