Far far away, on the island of Moskenesøya in the Lofoten archipelago, above the Arctic Circle, there lives Reine – the most beautiful village in Norway. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.

The landscape surrounding Reine is simply stunning – the winding streets and brightly colored houses of the village cluster around the calm blue waters of the sea, with lush, sloping green hills forming an idyllic background. Meanwhile, all around the village for miles to see, enormous, snow-capped mountains rise like islands from the ocean, creating a formidable, awe-inspiring view.

In Reine, you’ll likely stay in rorbuer, old fishermen’s cottages that have been converted to accommodations for visitors. Activities include fishing, of course — either with yourself or with others on a local boat — as well as kayaking, whale watching, biking and bird spotting.

You can camp under the stars on nearby beaches, catch a ferry to a neighboring village or conquer some of Norway’s best hikes. One, which takes hikers up the mountain called Reinebringen, leads adventurers to breathtaking views of the island chain from above.

You’ll also catch aurora borealis from about September through April on chilly, clear nights.
In Reine, everything is utterly quiet, quaint and more than beautiful. This is the way nature intended it to be one of the most beautiful villages in the world.

EM360 Digital

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