Designing and developing can be time-consuming, especially when the project involves a new challenge, putting the team or freelancer into unknown territory. Moreover, time is a key factor in productivity. Working efficiently enables us to deliver better value at a competitive price.

However, some steps can be repeated for every project. These are steps we know and should make as quick as possible in order to have more freedom to experiment with new solutions. Following tips will help you to improve your workflow.

#Tips 1: Applying Changes All Around

Wildcard CSS rules are recommended by the web designers all time. You have to use a global indicator (*) – which empowers you to apply any progressions all-inclusive to the entire page. This can truly help you save your time, particularly in the introductory phases of configuration.

#Tips 2: Using CodeKit With Browser Reloading

CodeKit will help you to see any progressions made to the program without reloading the website page. It is particularly suggested for Mac users. It makes the ease of rolling out browser changes worth the little cost brought about to get it.

#Tips 3: Using FitVids To Embed Videos

Even with the easiest video embedding that comes with HTML5, web designers still face problems – empowering responsive resizing for videos and guaranteeing degradation on Flash where the HTML5 video embedding is not upheld. FitVids is a jQuery plugin which takes care of both issues.

#Tips 4: Using Grid Frameworks

Another effective tips is to use grid framework where the quantity of segments is totally separable by 4, 3 and 2. This gives the 12-segment matrix which is exceptionally famous in light of the fact that it is very flexible.

#Tips 5: Use 8 Bit PNG Format

Where you are attempting to fare to PNG from Photoshop, this old-school trick may help: in the event that you need not bother with it to be straightforward, send out as 8-bit PNG, which at times influences nature of the picture, however drastically cuts down file size.

EM360 Digital

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