Getting started as a jewelry brand is wonderfully exciting! Jewelry store marketing options are endless and colored well with character. One thing you must commit to from the beginning is defining your brand and remaining loyal to this identity throughout all of your marketing endeavors.

Let’s take a look at the top tips for all small jewelry businesses to ensure the most success for your brand.

  • Identity. Defining your brand is possibly the most important task you will take on in the startup of your business. Find your niche. Don’t go after everyone who has ever browsed a glass case with diamonds on the inside. What do you offer and to whom does it speak? Is it turquoise that a 1960s junkie wants to remind them of the decade’s spirited aesthetic? Or clean silver lines that speak to the modern minimalist? Branding is a science. Compile what you sell and who buys it, and build the story around these starting points.
  • Be Social. Social media in Detroit has a nature of its own. If there’s one thing we’ve learned about our city, it’s our need to connect and to share. Remain active on your social pages- this means Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest and Facebook at least. Identify where your customers like to chat the most, and start up the conversation there.
  • Customer-focused. Include customer content whenever possible. This might look like posting one of their photos on your feed or featuring a loyal consumer in a blog post. Posting real photos of real consumers in is an awesome way to keep your marketing authentic, too.
  • Create a memorable hashtag. Hashtagging has pretty much redefined communication, linking everyone’s photos and messages to one another with just a string of letters. Craft a tag that embodies your brand vibe, but that is catchy enough for consumers to remember and to want to use in their photos.
  • Gather influencers. Social media influencers are your best friend. Browse other brands’ influencers, and see if you can partner with them, their friends, their followers or with the people whom they engage with the most. Perhaps you have a few followers who are the most loyal to your brand – commenting on and liking everything you put up. Ask them to support you and be an ambassador; they already love you!
  • Keep it fresh. Refresh your social media pages at least once a month. Customers appreciate seeing new designs and what you’re up to behind the scenes (especially in the off-season if you have one).
  • Stay relevant. Even though ongoings of the world in the news do not always directly influence your brand, it’s important to stay relevant in the conversation. Curate a feed that makes it easy for you to receive daily news. Choose when a story is interesting enough to share with your followers. They’ll appreciate you staying up to date and respect you for sharing content that is reflective of your brand’s interests.
  • Consider paying. Advertising on Pinterest is especially rewarding for jewelry brands. The audience is virtually built in for you, making the advertising content seamless. If you are considering Facebook, it is imperative that you selectively hone in on a Facebook target audience. This will generate the newest followers, and in turn, give you the most bang for your buck. An Instagram advertising campaign is another valuable investment. You will connect with other, like-minded brands, find new ambassadors and a ton of new brand enthusiasts and loyalists.

If you want to hire a social media service to supplement your jewelry marketing, get in touch with the team at EM360. We specialize in bringing small businesses up to the big leagues and would love to help you get on your feet in this social-centric marketing age.

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