Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and even Snapchat have become the biggest names in social media and businesses from all industries have been cashing in on the power and reach that these platforms can offer. Some industries even see social media platforms as more powerful tools than search engines and direct traffic, which a few years ago would’ve been unheard of. The difficult part about capitalizing on the social media addiction of today’s consumers is how to structure the posts and share worthy and interesting content. Here are a few simple strategies that can dramatically increase your social media traffic:

Keywords that Engage

In the digital world, it’s all about the number of views. More views equal more potential customers. Using words that engage viewers can generate more visibility for your posts. Here are some engaging words to try in your next posts

  • LinkedIn– Increased, Developed, Researched, Created
  • Facebook– Tell Us, Submit, Deals, Discount, When, Inspire
  • Twitter– ReTweet, Follow, Check Out, Help

Hashtags can be Powerful

Hashtags are attached to posts that use keywords, topics of interest or popular phrases that facilitate a search for it. Hashtags are indexed by the social networks and immediately become searchable by users. For example, this summer #Rio2016 or similar hashtags about the Olympics will be pretty popular. Using 1-2 hashtags per post that are relevant to your business and also your audience can really increase the number of views your post receives, either through ReTweets, sharing or searching keywords.

Most People are Visual

Most social media is geared toward concise, targeted messages to captivate a viewer as quickly as possible because the consumer is overloaded with information on social media so the window of attention is very small. Visual content may be one of the best ways to quickly captivate and engage viewers. Using images, videos, vines, GIFs and more with your posts can show a huge impact. The saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” holds true in the social media domain.

Keep it Short and Sweet

Going back to the small window of opportunity to capture the attention of your viewers, it’s also important to keep the text-based content of your posts concise and to the point. Viewers don’t want to read fluffy, useless words when they want to know exactly what the point is a quickly as possible. Keep your Tweets less than 100 characters is a good rule of thumb to follow.


While this may not pertain to all business types, Instagram is another giant platform in social media. The photo-based app allows user accounts to post, share, like, and search for pictures, others users, hashtags and others. If your business is the type that could develop a unique image based presence, the reward might be substantial.

So take advantage of these tips to increase your social media traffic and let it lead to more business for you. For more social media marketing services, check out EM360 at

EM360 Digital

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