Cosmetic surgery marketing trends are constantly changing and consequently, keeping up is a time-consuming chore! Thankfully, we are here to eliminate that stress in your life and get down to business on social media trends in the plastic surgery industry. Without further ado, here are some key tips to keep in mind:

Top 10 Social Media Marketing Tips for Cosmetic Surgeries:

  1. Plan! Never saw yourself as a planner? Now is your time to shine. But seriously, utilizing automated social media managers (try Hootsuite and Tweetdeck) will save you time and aggravation. There are going to be times when you need to post on the fly, of course. But most days leave us in a whirlwind of new business and remembering to post that banner about tomorrow’s sale or today’s holiday cheer gets pushed to the bottom. Systems like Hootsuite allow you to pre-create posts and have them automatically uploaded to your page.
  2. Interact. Think of it as 1:10. For every person you want commenting on your photos and interacting with your brand, interact with ten followers. The more engaged you are on social media, the more reciprocal your followers will be.
  3. Know what’s trending. This is especially huge in cosmetic surgery. Search which services in the plastic surgery industry are trending and post accordingly. If a large sector of your audience is out chatting about certain cosmetic topics, the timing is exceptional for you to join the conversation or to cut in with a provided solution.
  4. Label where you can. Labeling photos, videos, and posts might seem tedious, but over time it will help boost your visibility in searches.
  5. Content is quality. If you don’t want to watch it or read it, don’t post it. Content should be well balanced between culturally relevant, scientifically explanatory and most importantly, entertaining.
  6. Brand your platforms. Keep your aesthetic cohesive across all platforms. This includes your website! For different platforms, you are going to use different types of content, but your tone and aesthetic should still be identifiably similar.
  7. Free “future look” consultation. Use the power of your social media networks to leverage a free consultation for a “future look.” Run the promotion during low seasons or use it as a way to gain more followers by requiring contestants to tag friends in the comments section.
  8. Past patients are ambassadors. Your previous clients are your walking testimonies, don’t forget that! But don’t let them get away with only walking around the city as a display of your artwork. Instead, ask them if they’d be interested in being a brand ambassador. Leverage their social media networks to enhance your own. If clients are shy about an ambassador role, maybe they would be open to a private referral for which you can offer an incentive.
  9. Listen to social media. Besides surveying what is trending on social media, look at the lifeline of cosmetic surgery topics across platforms. Whose voices are prominent on the pages? What are the overall opinions on cosmetic surgery? You can adjust your tone in your posts to cater to the current perception of cosmetic surgery, which will make your prospective clients feel more comfortable in your care.
  10. Never lose sight of your goal. Social media can be so fun that sometimes, it can get distracting. Don’t get lost in the buzz of photos and high ‘like’ numbers. Remember, you are here for new business (or another goal, all goals are good goals!), so look at which posts actually generate a new client in the door. Stick with those.

You might be thinking, “I need a social media marketing service if I’m every going to stay on top of all this social chatter.” You are not alone! Join the majority of businesses turning to outside help for plastic surgery marketing ideas. When you’re ready, give EM360 a shout. We are here for all of your social media Detroit needs. Subscribe to our blog for up to date social media trends!

EM360 Digital

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